Sunday, January 11, 2015

The poignant things God does: I happened to talk to the children about ever having to sing to God, How great thou art ... after singing the song in prayer.Today while going to church, we just had an opportunity like it when we noticed the clouds among the mountains and we all sang "Then sings my soul , my Saviour God to thee, how great thou Art, how great Thou art!!" A beautiful but poignant moment. Just the other day I told my children being faithful in little things. To my surprise there was a contribution from my DH on a little thing that he was thankful about and my heart swelled a little thanking God on working in Him.

Brand new 2015

Here's to a new beginning to 2015. Hoping to log as many grateful things as I can, hoping to make at least a 1000. Some of the good things 2015 began with for me... 1. Another brand new year to our life. 2. redemption - God's working in my life , brought me out of bondages. 3. new desire - Apologetics 4. new determination - let go and let God.